Water Main Flushing – Week of 04/17
The flushing plan for the week of 4/17/2023 is to work through the Villages and Streets: Greenview Ln, Highland Dr, Deer Hallow Rd, Deer Hallow Ct, Dunsmuir Rd, Fernridge Ln, [...]
The flushing plan for the week of 4/17/2023 is to work through the Villages and Streets: Greenview Ln, Highland Dr, Deer Hallow Rd, Deer Hallow Ct, Dunsmuir Rd, Fernridge Ln, [...]
The flushing plan for the week of 4/10/2023 is to work through the Villages and Streets: Mt Constance Way, Mt Wilder, Snider Peak Ln, Crystal Ct, Pelton Ct, Mt Christie Ct, M [...]
OWSI has concluded the majority of the flushing for the area affected by the potassium permanganate dosing event of last weekend. Please call 360-301-3217 to reach Jason Whi [...]
OWSI has drained one reservoir that had color issues and has located the source of the color issues. The majority of colored water has been flushed from the system. Please co [...]
In response to concerns on the recent incident, effecting the North Bay Service Zone A, which resulted in the release of a concentration of potassium permanganate into the wa [...]
The flushing plan for the week of 4/3/2023 is to work through the Villages and Streets: Fleet Dr, Forester Ln, Explorer Ln, Trader Ln, Seafarer Ln, Pathfinder Ln, Adventurer [...]
The flushing plan for the week of 3/27/2023 is to work through the Villages and Streets: Rainier Ln, Rainier Ct, Yawl, Ln, Clipper Ln, Barque Ln, Ketch Ln, Mainsail Ln, Sloop [...]
The flushing plan for the week of 3/20/2023 is to work through the Villages and Streets: Walden Ln, Walker Way, Osprey Ridge, Mockingbird Ln, Warbler Ln, Falcon Ln, Goldfinch [...]
As directed by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC) in the Filtration and Chlorination Surcharge DOCKET UW-190160 ORDER 01 8. (h) April 11, 2019, [...]
We were made aware that the email statements that were originally sent out on December 16th 2022 did not go through due to the power outages. We were able to send them out yes [...]