Olympic Water & Sewer is updating their Water Service Plan (WSP) as required by the Washington Department of Health (DOH) under Chapter 246-290 Washington Administrative Code (WAC). The WSP identifies present and future water needs, the means for addressing those needs, and documents the operational, technical, managerial, and financial capability to achieve and maintain compliance with all relevant local, State, and federal plans and regulations.

OWSI is required to conduct environmental review through the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Chapter 197-11 WAC, and has submitted a completed Environmental Checklist. Jefferson County Department of Community Development (DCD) is identified as the appropriate lead agency to administer SEPA rules and provide a SEPA Threshold Determination. DCD has evaluated the proposal and determined the project will not have any potential significant adverse environmental impacts and is issuing a “determination of non-significance” (DNS) determination for this project.

View Water System Plan Update Draft